Sunday, June 28, 2009
And I'm off...
Friday, June 26, 2009
Fashion Friday: Clutches
Oh I love a clutch! One of my favorite things - and I constantly have to stop myself from buying up any cute clutch I happen upon. Generally, I like my clutches to have bright bold patterns & BRIGHT colors, so you can pair it with a classic outfit to give it some POP! Here are a few I could fancy myself sporting...courtesy of eBags - which is good mix of designer and affordable. Definitely some cute stuff!

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Flashback! Lake Lure/Winery Weekend
The first winery we went to was Rockhouse Vineyards in Tryon. Very cute little vineyard - and the wine was quite nice. The "rock house" has the tasting room in it - and was built by a German couple over 10 years. It has gorgeous rock indigineous to the NC mountains. Beautiful!
As an added bonus - the vineyard was hosting a wedding that afternoon/evening. Unfortunately, I think the probably got rained on a little bit - but I couldn't resist snapping a few pics. First where the ceremony was - overlooking the vineyards. Then the tent for the party afterwards. I loved the tissue paper pomanders hanging from the top of the tent. They also had tons of white lights strung throughout the tent. I had serious wedding envy!
The wedding was really nice on Saturday evening. We followed it up with a nice dinner overlooking Lake Lure. On Sunday morning, we got a nice breakfast and drove around waiting for it to clear up a bit. We stopped in Chimney Rock and walked around the river a little. Since it had been raining so much -the water was quite high!
That afternoon we stopped at Green Creek Winery in Columbus, NC. It was also nice - a little more high tech - but equally good wines. Here's a few pics from it...
Overall - it was a wonderful weekend. We definitely will be going back to the wineries - and hopefully the weather will be a little more cooperative next time!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Mixed Emotions

Hope everyone had a great weekend and are having a good week!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Last Minute Father's Day Gift Idea...

Click HERE to buy the Pizza Boss. I mean...even the name is cool!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Trying Something Out...
Fashion Friday: Summer Tops

I think with the right skirt, this would be good for a date night.

I think with tan dress pants, this would be great for work. Jazz it up with fun pearls!

And since I love green so much - here are my two green favs...

Clearly this one would be great with some fuschia heels!
Have a great Friday!!
Catchin' Up!
Here's the whole group down by the river (without the van).
Early on our big night out...guess which one is the bachelorette!!!
A wee bit later that night. Note the transition of the lei to me...and also, one of my many "dance faces". *sigh* Why can't I dance like a normal person?
All in all - a great time! I loved Savannah - it was my first time being there and I want to go back - but perhaps this time in the early spring or late fall.
The rest of this week has been pretty tame -I've been spending some time in the Word and praying a lot about my job situation. In other news....I'm super pumped that Katherine - my best friend and college roommate (and my matron of honor) from Atlanta is coming to Charlotte this weekend for a visit. I get to catch her up on all things wedding...and we are braving a wedding show on Sunday. Our main objective is to sign up for a lot of chances to win free stuff (how boss would a free honeymoon be?!)...and maybe taste some cake! More to come on that!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Fashion Friday: Maxi Dresses
As noted in a previous post - I'm all up on the Fashion Friday bandwagon. I have long admired the look of the well-worn maxi dress...though I'm sure we can all agree it is a less than flattering name. I didn't think I could wear them - but I got daring and tried...and I love!
So, to go with my new obsession - here are a few ones that I could picture myself wearing at various occasions. These are all from Chick Downtown some of which is affordable - most of which I try and find a version of at Marshall's or TJMaxx!

That's it for me...have a great weekend...hopefully fun pics to come from my friend's bachelorette weekend!
- Wedding - this clearly has many subtopics which include *plans so far; *thoughts on what's left to be done; *things that I like that might be ridiculous - but there's always the possibility of us winning the lottery...right? *other random thoughts.
- Job situation - just need prayers here. I'm faithful that God will put me in the right place at the right time and is using this to teach me some good stuff!
- Downloads on life...this could encompass a multitude of things - the possibilities are endless!
- Maybe Fashion Friday? That seems to be the hot blog trend - and I'm kind of digging it. I might take a running leap at that blog bandwagon.
We also went "swimming" at the Y on Sunday. As most of you I'm sure know...I don't fancy myself a swimmer while Alan was a lifeguard in high school. It wasn't as much of a debacle as I had anticipated, and actually was a lot of fun...though everyone younger than me - including 2 year olds, could swim circles around me! I felt like it was a good workout - so I'm going to try & work that in the rotation!
I'm off to Savannah, GA for my friend Jen's bachelorette party this weekend. Should be a good time! Much more to come...and I'll try to keep the updates a little more frequent!