Time for some updates!
First - sweet Ned. Things seem to be doing a little better. He remains stable but he hasn't been making a ton of progress. Yesterday, his lung x-ray looked better and he had a heart echo today that showed great heart function and somewhat less pressure in the lungs which is all great news! Additionally, it looks like some of the hypertension may be reversible. Betsy and Travis are in the process of getting a consultation from the UNC-Chapel Hill hospital which was where Ned was treated for his first 3 months, for their peace of mind. Please continue to pray for this little man and his family, as well as for guidance for all the doctors deciding on his course of treatment. We are in MUCH better shape than this time last week, let's hope and pray it stays on a positive track!!
Okay - onto other stuff that's been happening lately...
I've been fighting with a cough since the beginning of July. I finally went to the doctor last week - and of course - it had turned into bronchitis. I've been taking some medicine including an inhaler and things seem to be getting gradually better. I don't cough every time I laugh anymore...just every other time. By the way, the picture of coughing is way cuter than an action shot of me coughing. I thought I'd spare you. You. Are. Welcome.
The job hunt continues! The interview last week went well and I'm still hoping to have some additional interviews with that company. I have an interview for a different company on Friday morning...and I'm pretty pumped about it. It's a job that's pretty different than what I've been doing and I think it would be a great change of course for me. If you wouldn't mind, say a little prayer for me on Friday morning!
Wedding planning got put on hold for few weeks, but we are back in the mix! This week, we should get contracts signed for the band, the photog and the caterer. I'm also hoping to meet with the florist next week.
I'm trying to get as much done before I start my (hopefully soon to come) new job. Any suggestions on big things I should try and take care of now considering we are about 9 months out?
I really have no reason for including this picture - except that I found it when looking for wedding clip art...and thought these little guys were darling. So, I thought I'd share!
I was also perusing my pictures yesterday and was struck this beautiful picture of some lovely orchids that Alan & I saw on a trip to Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens early this year (Flashback on that to come at some point).
I opened it up full size and was blown away by how beautiful and perfect it is. I think about the things that I've made over my life be it a cake, a drawing, a powerpoint presentation for work, a dinner or anything else...it's never been perfect. Most of the time it's not even close.
I looked at this picture and remembered the verse from James which says "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights" (James 1:17). This reminded me of all the amazing blessings I have in my life and how they are all truly gifts from God.
And then I remembered that he created this and every other plant in a day's work. "Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on that land that bear fruit with the seed in it, according to their various kinds. And it was so." (Genesis 1:11) If He can make something like this...so complex, so beautiful, so perfect...on a day when he whipped up quite a few other things (at this point we know of 297,325 others), think of the things He can do in our lives if we ask Him and then let Him.
Simply. Amazing.

Oh...and I wouldn't mind one of these!
good update-thanks for keeping us in the loop. so glad that ned is stabilizing a bit and not getting worse right now. good luck on the interviews!!! i can't wait to hear about them. and hang in ther with the cough/bronchitis!!! geez!love and miss you tons!!!
I just got a massage yesterday from a woman who comes to your house. She charged $42 for an hour and was pretty good. Let me know if you want her number.
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