I worked really hard prior to the wedding to get them in decent shape - and I was pretty happy with where I ended up. I mean - not great - but at least I'm not obsessing over every wedding picture hating my arms. This is me showing off my wedding guns! (By the way - I'll discuss later - but seriously - my bouquet weighed approximately 65 pounds *only a slight exaggeration* and our talented photogs must have captured this moment as I was discussing the bouquet and how it was helping my arm "situation.)
So, now that I have all this extra time on my hands post wedding (I paused to laugh out loud about my extra time just then) - I have decided to mix it up and try something different to whip these bad boys in shape. Enter google searching and me happening upon the devil...I mean...the One Hundred Push Up Challenge. This is how I feel about it (or the first of my hopeful "before" shots).
I thought about drawing arrows, circles and the like and really diagramming my problem spots - but that got too depressing - so feel free to judge for yourself...and let's never speak of these again. Feel free to read up on it - but, the 100 push up challenge or the 100PUC as I've taken to calling it (just now) starts with an initial assessment of how many good form push ups you can do, and then launches you into a 6 week program of 3 days a week of push ups. After 6 weeks of strict adherence to the schedule - I should be able to do 100 consecutive good form push ups. In the words of Liz Lemon (a la 30 Rock) "What the What?!"
I'm hoping by posting here -inclusive of terribly embarrasing and cheesy "before" shots - I have Blogaccountability (new word!). And I'll be able to give you updates and hopefully post some dramatically toned Michelle Obama-esque after shots in roughly 5.5 weeks (or slightly longer if I need to repeat a few weeks). So, here goes nothing! Wish me luck...and in the mean time...FEAR THIS FACE!!!
I love this. I'm almost convinced to try it. Almost. Not there yet. First I would like to know how to achieve that tiny waist. Besides getting a tummy tuck. Which is on my to do list, btw.
I want to jack-off to your buff arms!!!
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