Ummm....hello? Is this thing on? I am...a married and gainfully employed lady...and whadaya know...a job and planning a wedding completely KILLED any thought of regularly blogging I might have delusionally had! Sorry my friends.
But....I'm back. And I'm really going to do this. I've got stories to tell...a wedding I want to recap (while it's still fresh)...adventures as a newlywed to chronicle...and in general...just stuff to write about. I've always liked writing it out...helps me think. So, shall we give it another go? I am...a married and gainfully employed lady...and whadaya know...a job and planning a wedding completely KILLED any thought of regularly blogging I might have delusionally had! Sorry my friends.
But....I'm back. And I'm really going to do this. I've got stories to tell...a wedding I want to recap (while it's still fresh)...adventures as a newlywed to chronicle...and in general...just stuff to write about. I've always liked writing it out...helps me think. So, shall we give it another go?
I do need some input - I am actively considering the PWC. As a recently reformed wedding blog nerd (seriously - they are like crack) - that is known as the Post-Wedding Chop. My hair is LONG...not to mention THICK. This is me & Alan at the rehearsal dinner - which was a MONTH ago...and I am pretty sre it's grown another 4 inches since then.
So of course - I googled haircuts - I know I'm looking at mid length (so as to avoid a repeat of THIS disaster a la 10th grade). Go ahead and soak this in....which by the way - I am considering this my penance for 9 months of blogging absence. You. Are. Welcome.
So....back to googling haircuts - I am mildly embarrassed to admit that I googled "Sandra Bullock Hairstyles" just to see what might work. I mean - I get told it enough - I figure if it works on her - it might not be hideous on me. Here's where I'm thinking we'll end up:

Whatcha think?
Also as a wedding teaser - here's one of the pro pics...from the fabulous Dreamland Images. This was snapped while I was TCDB or Taking Care of Dental Business. I gave her my best "fierce". One word = FAIL.
Seriously - it feels good to be back!
1 comment:
So I'm absolutely loving seeing the 1995/96 you. Oh how I love her. I love the now you too but you know...good memories and stuff.
So here is my opinion on the PWC...give it a few months. Or at least don't start our too drastic. The PWC isn't as bad as the PBC (post baby chop) in which I am famous for doing. I never understood why I always felt the need to go for more high maintenance hair just after giving birth. Anyway, I say wait till you are past any 'I miss the Wedding' feelings cause right now you could at least have wedding hair if nothing else. You know, do up you hair and makeup and look through the pictures. No? Too crazy? Yeah...I would never do that.
p.s. So glad you are back. LOVE YOU!
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