Thursday, July 1, 2010

OHHHH Snip (or the PWC Result!)

Well....I DID IT! I got it cut! Not super dramatic - but she did end up taking almost 6 inches off! Crazy! Anyway - she put in TONS of layers - and it feels so much lighter and it feels different! But in a good way. So, if you excuse the basically no make-up/shiny face/new longish bangs that my stylist so expertly blew out that were refusing to cooperate....HERE IT IS!!!

And from the back??? Sweet! Now mind you - she roller brushed the heck out of me. I'm more of a blow dry and then straighten...but I am loving how it looks either way....wahoo!!

So there it summer do! Whatcha think?!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Cake Update!

Here are a few of the most recent cakes I've exercised my "ability" on. I can say - it's gotten a little easier - and I'm getting a lot more comfortable in general. I think once things calm down some (ha!) I'm finally going to try my hand at fondant. Hopefully I don't end up on Cake Wrecks although I am clearly NOT a professional - so I think I'm automatically out of the running!

So, this first one was for one of my employees. She and her long time boyfriend got married back in March - so we threw a little shower at work. This was my debut at work for decorating - and it seemed successful...and most of all - I think she loved it and was really surprised!

This next one was for my dear friend Carrie's shower. Carrie and her sweet husband got married a couple of weeks after Alan and I did, and she was one of my beautiful bridesmaids - and I was honored to be one in her wedding as well. It was so much fun going through all of the wedding planning madness with helped keep me sane! Anyway - her wedding colors were pink and green - so here's what I came up with for her & Chris' shower. Probably one of my favorites I've done!

And finally - this was the cake I made this past weekend to celebrate my dad's birthday/father's day. I think when I was about 8 or 9 (there's some debate as to the actual age) - I painted my dad a t-shirt with a guy in a cowboy hat with a beard made of nachos that said "Nacho Ordinary Guy". So - in honor of his 60th birthday (or 31st 29th birthday as I'm sure he'd prefer me to say) I recreated it in cake form. I was pretty happy with how it turned out...and those were the best tasting jalapenos I've ever had! (I've included a close up of a few of the nachos for your viewing pleasure!!

By the way - my favorite part of this whole cake decorating thing is still enjoying the deliciousness. Have I mentioned I make a MEAN buttercream? :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Emily Embarks: 100 Push Up Challenge

Okay - I'll start this with a little back story. I have problem arms. End of back story. I've never had the sleek slightly muscular arms that I love wearing tank tops with. But that's what I want. This is what I want...HER ARMS!!

I worked really hard prior to the wedding to get them in decent shape - and I was pretty happy with where I ended up. I mean - not great - but at least I'm not obsessing over every wedding picture hating my arms. This is me showing off my wedding guns! (By the way - I'll discuss later - but seriously - my bouquet weighed approximately 65 pounds *only a slight exaggeration* and our talented photogs must have captured this moment as I was discussing the bouquet and how it was helping my arm "situation.)

So, now that I have all this extra time on my hands post wedding (I paused to laugh out loud about my extra time just then) - I have decided to mix it up and try something different to whip these bad boys in shape. Enter google searching and me happening upon the devil...I mean...the One Hundred Push Up Challenge. This is how I feel about it (or the first of my hopeful "before" shots).

I thought about drawing arrows, circles and the like and really diagramming my problem spots - but that got too depressing - so feel free to judge for yourself...and let's never speak of these again. Feel free to read up on it - but, the 100 push up challenge or the 100PUC as I've taken to calling it (just now) starts with an initial assessment of how many good form push ups you can do, and then launches you into a 6 week program of 3 days a week of push ups. After 6 weeks of strict adherence to the schedule - I should be able to do 100 consecutive good form push ups. In the words of Liz Lemon (a la 30 Rock) "What the What?!"

So, I was actually pretty proud of myself - I banged out 20 good form push ups during my initial assessment. This means this week (my first week) I was on level 3. I did my first night on Monday (close to the time of these pics) and my 2nd night tonight. First night - not so bad... Tonight....YOWZA! And it keeps getting harder...but I am going to keep at it. By the way - what the HECK am I smiling at?!

I'm hoping by posting here -inclusive of terribly embarrasing and cheesy "before" shots - I have Blogaccountability (new word!). And I'll be able to give you updates and hopefully post some dramatically toned Michelle Obama-esque after shots in roughly 5.5 weeks (or slightly longer if I need to repeat a few weeks). So, here goes nothing! Wish me luck...and in the mean time...FEAR THIS FACE!!!


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pun = Fun with a P!

I will be the first to admit how much I love a pun...much to my husband's chagrin. I don't know why. Perhaps it's the fantastic combination of clever and cheesy. Two things I fancy myself from time to time - more cheesy than clever though.

I have two separate instances in the last week hearing puns that made me laugh out loud. And in the hopes it might make one other person smile...I thought I'd share!

Instance #1:

On NPR this evening - they had a story about Coulrophobia, or the fear of clowns, which is apparently, the third most common phobia in Britain. In order to combat this fear, they were talking to a circus owner who offers therapy sessions before the circus. This is called...


By the way - the level of my NPR nerdiness is a whole different blog post.

Instance #2:

The office complex I work at in Ballantyne had a summer kickoff event outside last Friday. It included ice cream, a single steel drum with boom box accompaniment (which was as awesome as it sounds)...and 2 fantastic balloon artists. I say artists - because, they did more than animals - and they were REALLY good. I saw them fashion Ariel (The Little Mermaid) and an alien complete with helmet.

Anyway - they kind of shot the stuff as they were making their magic happen - and I overheard one of them say the following:

Balloon Artist: "I recently graduated from BALLOONiversity."

Soon to be Butterfly Balloon Recipient: "Oh really?!"

Balloon Artist: "Yep - I was at the POP of my class!"

Comic Gold I tell you....Comic Gold.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Shall We Try This Again? or to PWC or not to PWC?

Ummm....hello? Is this thing on? I am...a married and gainfully employed lady...and whadaya know...a job and planning a wedding completely KILLED any thought of regularly blogging I might have delusionally had! Sorry my friends.

But....I'm back. And I'm really going to do this. I've got stories to tell...a wedding I want to recap (while it's still fresh)...adventures as a newlywed to chronicle...and in general...just stuff to write about. I've always liked writing it out...helps me think. So, shall we give it another go?

I do need some input - I am actively considering the PWC. As a recently reformed wedding blog nerd (seriously - they are like crack) - that is known as the Post-Wedding Chop. My hair is LONG...not to mention THICK. This is me & Alan at the rehearsal dinner - which was a MONTH ago...and I am pretty sre it's grown another 4 inches since then.

So of course - I googled haircuts - I know I'm looking at mid length (so as to avoid a repeat of THIS disaster a la 10th grade). Go ahead and soak this in....which by the way - I am considering this my penance for 9 months of blogging absence. You. Are. Welcome.

So....back to googling haircuts - I am mildly embarrassed to admit that I googled "Sandra Bullock Hairstyles" just to see what might work. I mean - I get told it enough - I figure if it works on her - it might not be hideous on me. Here's where I'm thinking we'll end up:

Whatcha think?

Also as a wedding teaser - here's one of the pro pics...from the fabulous Dreamland Images. This was snapped while I was TCDB or Taking Care of Dental Business. I gave her my best "fierce". One word = FAIL.

Seriously - it feels good to be back!