Friday, June 19, 2009

Catchin' Up!

So - I'm barely a couple of weeks old to this blogging thing...and I'm already behind! Time to play a little catch up!

First off...the bachelorette party was a blast! We had a super fun group of 8 girls and we showed Savannah who was boss. It was HOT & HUMID! But, good friends, good fun, quality pool time and sundresses made it bearable. Here are a few "tame" pics...

City Hall as the sun is going down.

I loved these tree...and they were everywhere.

Here's the whole group down by the river (without the van).

Early on our big night out...guess which one is the bachelorette!!!

A wee bit later that night. Note the transition of the lei to me...and also, one of my many "dance faces". *sigh* Why can't I dance like a normal person?

All in all - a great time! I loved Savannah - it was my first time being there and I want to go back - but perhaps this time in the early spring or late fall.

The rest of this week has been pretty tame -I've been spending some time in the Word and praying a lot about my job situation. In other news....I'm super pumped that Katherine - my best friend and college roommate (and my matron of honor) from Atlanta is coming to Charlotte this weekend for a visit. I get to catch her up on all things wedding...and we are braving a wedding show on Sunday. Our main objective is to sign up for a lot of chances to win free stuff (how boss would a free honeymoon be?!)...and maybe taste some cake! More to come on that!

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