Friday, June 5, 2009

My New Career? Ha!

Well - I've had a bit of free time on my hands which has led to some TV indulgence. I am now an avid fan of Ace of Cakes and the Food Network Challenge shows (mainly the cake/candy decorating ones...I find it weird they have "grill challenges" - I can't judge how pretty a steak is!). This has led me to get ambitious & try my hand at cake decorating. My mom & I dabbled in this a bit, back in the day (read: I was in middle school) I thought I'd dust off the old skill set & see where I landed.

Alan's stepfather was having a retirement party last weekend - and I gave it a shot. So, here is my first cake (cream cheese pound cake with cream cheese icing) decorated as best I could!

Definitely some room for improvement...but, you can read it! I definitely need to work on my smoothing of the icing. Perhaps this will lead to me to taking a class...who knows! Here's another shot from the side.
All in all - relatively successful! And, as a bonus - rave reviews on how it tasted. Maybe next time will go a wee bit smoother!

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